Things You Shouldn’t Cook In An Air Fryer

while air fryers are versatile and convenient, certain foods should be cooked. 

Outside of this article, we will explore eight things you should avoid cooking in an air fryer and the reasons behind each recommendation. 

Raw vegetables naturally contain a high amount of moisture. When placed in an air fryer, the rapid hot air circulation can struggle to evaporate this moisture effectively. 

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As a result, you may end up with partially dehydrated vegetables on the outside but still retain their moisture inside. 

The hallmark of air-fried vegetables is their crispy exterior. Raw vegetables may not crisp up as nicely as their pre-cooked counterparts.  

The air fryer’s heat is more effective at crisping up vegetables that have been blanched or lightly steamed beforehand. 

Raw vegetables often require longer cooking times in the air fryer to achieve the desired level of doneness. 

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