Things You Should Think Twice Before Ordering At An Italian Restaurant

there's always something every member of your group will enjoy, regardless of taste preferences or dietary restrictions.  

That's because Italian cuisine is some of the most beloved food in the world. Considered comfort food by many, Italian dishes are beloved for their fresh, seasonal ingredients and simple recipes. 

Italian cuisine also varies by region, offering extensive options, ranging from pasta to meat to seafood, that will please any palate. 

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Unfortunately, not every restaurant, especially in the U.S., will get every menu item right. 

It's a common practice to cut corners on some dishes, especially when it's a matter of saving money. 

Here in the States, many Italian restaurants favor Americanized Italian food over authentic dishes. 

While there's nothing wrong with Italian-American cuisine, it's important to look out for dishes that may not be worth your money or that you can easily make at home for a fraction of the cost. 

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