Famous Homemade Chocolate Cakes  

“It’s not dessert unless brown.” My former coworker justified her love of chocolate and dislike of other desserts with that line.   

Chocolate cake must be your ideal dessert if you agree. Chocolate layer cake is delicate and delicious cake sandwiched between gobs of creamy chocolate frosting.  

It's beautiful on a cake stand, rich and delicious, and full of its eponymous ingredient.What makes the best chocolate cake? Should it use melted chocolate or just cocoa powder.

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Should it use buttermilk or coffee to add flavor? Should the frosting contain cream cheese, egg yolks, or butter-cocoa-powdered sugar.

I tried six of the most popular chocolate cake recipes online to find out. Follow along to learn which ones succeeded and failed.  

The Add a Pinch chocolate cake recipe is 10/10. It's easy to make and tastes chocolatey and moist without being overwhelming.  

I found six popular and well-reviewed chocolate cake recipes online to try. All have some similarities: The batter contains unsweetened cocoa powder, oil (not butter), and baking powder and soda for lift.   

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