Best Dinner Egg Recipes

Eggs are healthy and flexible, so most of us keep a carton in the fridge for breakfast or brunch.   

Despite their deliciousness, eggs don't have to be scrambled and put on toast. Adding eggs to a supper meal can spice up your weekly routine and expand your options.  

Eggs are packed in protein and heart-healthy fats, making them a nutritious and fulfilling dinner option.   

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Egg dishes are available for every taste, from Italian frittatas to Northeast African shakshukas.  

Eggs are cheaper than meat and filling enough to feed your family. Join us as we explore egg-based meals that can be part of your weekly meal plan and show you how much eggs have to offer.  

A basic quiche makes a delightful egg-based meal. This traditional French dish has been a hit at buffets and picnics for decades, but it also makes a terrific dinner if you add some more ingredients.  

The easiest and best quiche is Lorraine, made with ham and cheese. Adding butternut squash elevates this dish.   

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